Nice quotations from "The story of God"

The Hajj is for Muslims only, another barrier erected by man around the idea of one true God… [While showing the grave of Abraham with Muslims on one side and Jews and Christians on the other] I don't expect Jews, Christians and Muslims will never see eye to eye about the God who told Abraham to be perfect, but maybe what we can do is recognize that in their different ways the sons and daughters of Abraham are all trying to live up to the demands of a God who seems to expect so much from his frail and faulty creation.

Since the days when cave men cowered before the power of a thunderstorm, god has been used as a short hand for all the things we don't understand. But as Science has answered more of our questions God has been left with less ground to occupy… But my own view is that Science and Religion are two separate systems they look at the natural world from different points of view, one from the rational point of view and one from the spiritual point of view. I think when they get mixed, there is a problem.

According to a recent poll in the USA: %45 of Americans believe that if Genesis (part of the Bible) says one thing and the Science text books say another, Genesis must be right. Galileo must be spinning in his grave.


Uploaded: May 13th, 2011

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