The 4th COE Symposium

Program (PDF version)

June 28 (Wed)
09:30 -- 09:35 Toshifumi Futamase (Member of the COE Steering Committee, Tohoku U.) Opening address
9:35 -- 10:15 Reisaburo Tanaka (Okayama U.) Getting Ready for the LHC: Accelerator, Detectors and Physics
10:15 -- 10:40 Kazunori Takenaga (Tohoku U.) Gauge-Higgs unification --- an approach to beyond the standard model ---
10:40 -- 11:00 Break
11:00 -- 10:40 Kirill Melnikov (Hawaii U.) Physics at the LHC: from Standard Model to New discoveries
11:40 -- 12:05 Koichi Nagano (Tohoku U.) Distance and convexity
12:05 -- 13:30 Lunch
13:30 -- 13:55 Takehiko Asaka (Tohoku U.) Neutrino masses, dark matter and baryon asymmetry of the universe
13:55 -- 14:35 Jason Metcalfe (UC Berkeley) On Keel-Smith-Sogge estimates and quasilinear wave equations in exterior domains
14:35 -- 15:00 Michinori Ishiwata (Tohoku U.) Variational aspects of the formation of singularities of solutions for some semilinear heat equations
15:00 -- 15:20 Break
15:20 -- 16:00 Ramin Golestanian (U. Sheffield) Designing Molecular Swimmers
16:00 -- 16:25 Hiroaki Matsueda (Tohoku U.) Elementary excitations and optical responses in strongly correlated electron systems
16:25 -- 16:50 Go Yusa (Tohoku U.) Controlled multiple quantum coherences of nuclear spins in a nanometer-scale device
June 29 (Thu)
09:30 -- 10:10 Bhuvnesh Jain (U. Penn) Gravitational Lensing and Cosmology
10:10 -- 10:35 Kiyotomo Ichiki (U. Tokyo) Generating Large-scale Magnetic Fields from Cosmological Density Fluctuations
10:35 -- 10:55 Break
10:55 -- 11:20 Tsutomu T. Takeuchi (Tohoku U.) Visible and Hidden Star Formation in the Universe
11:20 -- 11:45 Masahiro Takada (Tohoku U.) Dark Matter and Gravitational Lensing of Galaxy Clusters
11:45 -- 13:10 Lunch
13:10 -- 13:50 Manfred Sigrist (ETHZ) Spin-orbit coupling and superconductivity in materials without inversion symmetry
13:50 -- 14:15 Noriaki Kimura (Tohoku U.) Noncentrosymmetric heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeRhSi3
14:15 -- 14:55 Adam Kaminski (Iowa State U.) High temperature superconductivity - insights from Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy
14:55 -- 15:20 Hiroaki Matsui (Tohoku U.) Recent photoemission results for the electron-doped high-temperature superconductors
15:20 -- 15:40 Break
15:40 -- 16:20 Daniel Mannix (ESRF) Phase IV in Ce0.7La0.3B6: Resonant X-ray Scattering Results
16:20 -- 16:45 Hiroaki Kusunose (Tohoku U.) Multipole physics in orbitally degenerate systems
16:45 -- 17:10 Tatsuya Nagao (Gunma U.) Spectral analysis of resonant x-ray scattering from the multipolar ordering phase
18:00 -- Banquet
June 30 (Fri)
09:40 -- 10:10 Tadao Mitsui (Tohoku U.) Review of Solar- and Geo-neutrinos
10:10 -- 10:35 Itaru Shimizu (Tohoku U.) Neutrinos from the Sun: Observation
10:35 -- 11:00 Sanshiro Enomoto (Tohoku U.) Neutrinos from the Earth: Observation
11:00 -- 11:20 Break
11:20 -- 12:00 Haiyan Gao (Duke U.) The structure of the nucleon from electromagnetic microscope
12:00 -- 12:25 Takeshi Koike (Tohoku U.) Gamma-ray spectroscopy with Hyperball2
12:25 -- 13:50 Lunch
13:50 -- 14:30 Takashi Teranishi (Kyusyu U.) Study of Resonance States in Unstable Nuclei Using Low-energy Radioactive Nuclear Beams
14:30 -- 15:10 Philippe Chomaz (GANIL) Phase transition in finite systems
15:10 -- 15:35 Akira Ono (Tohoku U.) Nuclear liquid-gas phase transition in a molecular dynamics approach
15:35 -- 15:45 Osamu Hasimoto (Dean, School of Natural Science, Tohoku U.) Closing address
