reset set terminal postscript enhanced color solid set output "" set size square set xrange [-16:16] set yrange [-16:16] set title "Position Difference between 'imexam' and 'apphot'" set xlabel "Radius from the RA Center [arcmin]" set ylabel "Radius from the Dec Center [arcmin]" set sample 1000 set multiplot set origin 0.0,0.0 set size 1.0,1.0 plot "total.list" using 9:10:6:7 with vectors lt 1 lw 3 notitle set parametric set origin 0.0,0.0 set size 1.0,1.0 set label "Vector Scale 600x" at 6.5,-14.5 plot [0:2*pi] 15*cos(t),15*sin(t) lt 2 lw 3 notitle unset multiplot