Science Goals:

Through this workshop, we aim to understand how the galaxies are built-up
over the cosmic ages from the primordial density fluctuations in the early Universe
to the mature present-day galaxies such as disk galaxies
like our Milky-Way Galaxy and elliptical galaxies in dense environments.
The major processes should include mass assembly, star formation,
AGN activity, and energy feedback from AGNs and supernova.
We tackle these difficult issues in two complementary approaches:

(1) We take a close look at remaining fossils (such as individual stars and globular clusters)
in our Galaxy and nearby galaxies in which various pieces of key information
on galaxy formation have been in-printed.

(2) We look into galaxies in the distant Universe which gives us direct views
to galaxy formation and evolution in action.
We compare the properties of galaxies as functions of cosmic time and
environment and make evolutionary links for those ancestors
to the present-day galaxies.

In both cases, we will base on the observational data
(e.g., Subaru, CFHT, and AKARI) and on our updated theoretical predictions.

Many young researchers and students are also encouraged to attend the meeting
and we promote active discussion and interactions among the participants
which will form a basis of our current and future tight partnership
in astronomy between the two countries.